Nagrodzeni doktoranci Międzynarodowej Szkoły Doktorskiej w roku akademickim 2023/2024

W dniu 29 sierpnia 2024 r. Dyrektor Międzynarodowej Szkoły Doktorskiej prof. Anna Woźniacka wraz z Prorektorem ds. Rozwoju Nauki i Współpracy Międzynarodowej prof. Lucyną Woźniak wręczyły nagrody doktorantom Międzynarodowej Szkoły Doktorskiej, wyróżnionym podczas Publicznej Sesji Sprawozdawczej.

Wyróżnieni zostali:

PhD StudentYearTopic of doctoral dissertationSupervisorUnit
Magda BarańskaIIIMalignant transformation markers associated with neoangiogenesis in premalignant larynreal lesions and laryngeal cancer assessed by Narrow Band Imagingprof. dr hab. Wioletta PietruszewskaDepartment of Otolaryngology and Laryngological Oncology
Agata BiniendaIVFree fatty acid receptors as a new pharmacological target in the treatment of colorectal cancer: validating the hypothesis and designing new interventions based on dietary hab. n. med. Jakub FichnaDepartment of Biochemistry
Miłosz CabanIIIThe assessment of anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer potential of spent hops (Hummulus lupulus L.) extract in gut dr hab. n. med. Urszula LewandowskaDepartment of Biochemistry
Jędrzej ChrzanowskiIDecoding 'Metabolic Memory': Investigating the Impact of Glycemic Control and Variability on Epigenetic Changes in Young People with Type 1 Diabetesprof. dr hab. Wojciech FendlerDepartment of Biostatistics and Translational Medicine
Adam DobekIClinical utility of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in the diagnosis of abdominal parenchymal dr hab. Ludomir StefańczykI Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Filip KarugaIIIThe role of hypoxia-sensitive miRNA181a, miRNA 199a and SIRT1 in diabetes mellitus development in obstructive sleep apnea dr hab. n. med. Piotr BiałasiewiczDepartment of Sleep Medicine and Metabolic Disorders
Amelia Kierasińska – KałkaIIIAnti-EGFRvIII antibodies as a therapeutic and diagnostic challengeprof. dr hab. Piotr RieskeDepartment of Tumor Biology
Ganna KravchenkoIIRisk factors of geriatric syndromes in older dr hab. Tomasz KostkaDepartment of Geriatrics
Kinga KrawiecIIIPrognostic value of expression of selected genes regulating the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway with acute myeloid leukemia.dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka PlutaDepartment of Haematology
Michał NiedźwiedźIThe effectiveness of treating psoriasis using biologic drugs depending on laboratory parameters, disease activity indicators, and environmental factorsprof. dr hab. Aleksandra LesiakDepartment of Dermatology, Paediatric and Oncological Dermatology
Agnieszka PawlosIVAtheroprotective mechanisms of SGLT2 dr hab. n. med. Broncel MarlenaDepartment of Internal Diseases and Clinical Pharmacology
Marta Sobolczyk-PrawdaIVLipid rafts in C6 astroglia-like cells: role in the regulation of calcium signaling and the secretion of neurotrophic factorsdr hab. n. med. Boczek TomaszDepartment of Molecular Neurochemistry
Serena StephensonIIComparison of Nutritional Assessment Tools Among Elderly In The context of successful dr hab. Tomasz KostkaDepartment of Geriatrics
Piotr KamolaIIIJunctional Adhesion Molecule - A: unappreciated regulator of platelet activation. In vitro and intravial studies.dr hab. n. med. Tomasz PrzygodzkiDepartment of Haemostasis and Haemostatic Disorders

Wszystkim wyróżnionym doktorantom i ich promotorom serdecznie gratulujemy i życzymy kolejnych sukcesów!


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Opublikowano: 30 sierpnia 2024